Qguar WMS Pro is a support system for advanced storage processes management in companies of various sizes. It supports operations in the area of warehousing both in the processes of own stock storing and storing in service-type warehouses. Qguar WMS Pro contains a variety of special-ized functions, which can satisfy even the most demanding customers.
The system uses the latest solutions both in the field of IT and logistics techniques Possibility of coopera-tion with many modern peripherals locates the product in a group of leading world-class solutions. Qguar WMS Pro is equipped with built-in modules for management of hazard-ous goods, settlement of logistic operations, and optimiza-tion of forklift operation. The standard WMS Pro version also includes visual indicators, an event notification system, and a configurator of interfaces with third party systems. The system is also ready to operate with advanced technol-ogies such as RFID and Voice. The number of system users and many international installations, including distributed ones, guarantee the highest level of experience.
The system offers the following functions:
Qguar WMS Pro is a tool designed to support the operation of any complex warehouse equipped with a range of different stor-age devices. It is in particular dedicated to warehouses with lots of goods,where many operations are performed. In case of logis-tic warehouses, it allows for simultaneous management of goods from many final customers in shared storage resources. The system is designed primarily for distribution centres, logistic warehouses, and extensive storage facilities of manufacturing companies.
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