Qguar TMS

Qguar TMS is another product of Quantum which sup-ports the planning, monitoring and settlement of trans-port processes. Optimum route planning, haulage com-bining, reloading, and many other functions make this module a powerful tool designed not only for dispatchers. Batch tracking within a distribution chain and expanded possibilities of accounting for the transportation process constitute only the basic abilities of the system.

Transport Management System

Apart from a set of functions dedicated to this specific indus-try, the strength of this module is based on its close in-terrelation with other Qguar modules, in particular with Qguar WMS (or another module of the same class). Qguar TMS is equipped with built-in modules for management of hazardous goods and settlement of logistic operations The standard TMS Pro version also includes visual indica-tors, an event notification system, and a configurator of interfaces with third party systems. It is now difficult to separate transportation services from storage and reload-ing services, regular shipment planning in connection with current warehouse stocks, interdependence of other sup-ply chain participants, or individual customer demands that usually appear unexpectedly at the last moment and often disorganise the detailed operation plan.

System advantages:

Functional scope

The system offers the following functions:

Qguar TMS is a tool dedicated to a wide range of enterpris-es dealing in any kind of car transportation management. It concerns the companies providing only transportation services, companies providing comprehensive logistic ser-vices, distribution and commercial companies, as well as other enterprises that utilise their own or external trans-portation means.

They Choose Qguar TMS

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