Qguar DS

Pressure on shortening the duration of most of operations is one of the major challenges which must be faced by the modern logistics. Especially the places where interests of many participants of the supply chain compete for time may adversely affect the logistics costs

Dock Scheduling

Such places un-doubtedly include gates or ramps which support loading and unloading of transport. Qguar Dock Scheduling is a tool that enables advanced and precise management of time windows in logistics facilities by carrying out deliver-ies and dispatches in a very friendly and transparent way. The option of remote notification based on the assigned access rights and defined operations allow efficient plan-ning of visits and detailed recording of their progress. Ef-fective planning of the transport stream brings significant benefits for the places where visits take place as well as for companies delivering and receiving goods.

System advantages:

Functional scope

Qguar DS offers the following functions:

Qguar Dock Scheduling can work in a logistics facility in which there is a risk of accumulation of operations associ-ated with visits of the means of transport. It is performs well in delivery and dispatch of large-size cargo as well as in the case of most of visits to smaller means of transport re-quiring efficient service. Even timing of all visits can consid-erably improve the efficiency of the supply chain, reduce the costs and significantly improve the company’s image in the eyes of cooperating transportation companies and freight forwarders.

Overview of basic system features:

New Project
Location structure
New Project
Management of time windows
New Project
Time window templates
New Project
Management of notifications
New Project
Operations in notifications
New Project
Limiting visits
New Project
Restriction group
New Project
Gantt charts

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