PLM Latest Trends

PLM Latest Trends

We are constantly surrounded by technology. It affects the way we live and the way we work. So it is inevitable to embrace it and use the best of it. Yet, it can be very challenging to always keep up with the latest trends and know what is actually useful and what we should avoid.

PLM is one of those tech terms that we hear a lot lately, and just like everything else, it is constantly changing and developing. So, it is crucial to know what the future holds for it, and find the best way to apply it to our business.

Today, we are going to discuss PLM’s latest trends you just have to know about. You will find out why product lifecycle management is crucial for your work, how these trends can help your business grow, and how to overall be more effective.

What Is PLM and What Makes It So Helpful?

Before getting any further, let’s just quickly cover the basics, and explain what PLM actually is, and why you should not ignore it by any means.

Simply put, PLM is the process of managing very complex product information, engineering and manufacturing workflows, and collaborations. Using the right PLM software, you will be able to connect people, processes, and data throughout the entire lifecycle of your product. That is how everyone involved can be on the same page, which will make the working way easier and more efficient.

The main concept is to be familiar with everything involving the product, from its creation to its presentation to consumers. There are four phases of PLM in total you should be aware of. Those are the creation of the initial concept, design, production, and finally distribution and maintenance. Some of the most important benefits of PLM are centralization, reduced development cycle, decreased compliance risks, reduced costs, and enhanced product quality.

1. Digital Twin and Thread as Virtual Saviors

Now, when we have established what the mighty PLM is, let us move on to some of its latest trends. We will start with one of the most important ones, the use of digital twin and thread. Digital twin represents the creation of your product in a virtual world, while the digital thread is all about managing a product’s data from the beginning till the end of its lifecycle. The idea is that these two must be connected, so in case of any changes, they can always be implemented. Digital twin and thread will help you understand and predict the product’s performance characteristics, which can be a huge asset. The digital twin will collect the real data, from the real world, and that is how you will see the product in action. While observing that, you will notice and simulate a process change based on data. After that, the change will be applied to the product in the real world. So, the digital twin and thread are all about technology, and it can have a big impact on your final product, which is, of course, always the goal.

2. Virtual and Augmented Reality that Can Change Everything

We have all heard about these two terms, but now we have to ask how can they be applied in PLM? Many businesses are taking advantage of virtual concepts to stand out from their competition. Thanks to VR and AR, you can see how the particular part of your product will work together with some other parts while finding out at the same time what are the aspects of it that have to be improved. The applications of these two tech realities are limitless. Some of their biggest benefits are an immersive capability that enhances understanding of the entire process, collaboration in one VR place, reduction of load time, handling and management of complicated CAD data sources a lot easier, etc. AR and VR technology can be suitable for a lot of different industries, and thanks to them your PLM will get better, and shortly you will notice a great boost in your work.

3. Microservices Architecture

Surely, we have to mention microservices architecture for PLM. As its name suggests, it refers to an architectural style for developing applications. Thanks to it, a huge number of applications will be divided into smaller parts, in order for each part to have a certain responsibility. Also, smaller parts are easier to test and change if needed. Microservices architecture will allow better fault isolation, shifting operations towards better outcomes, but also better user experience for customer-facing capabilities. It is a cloud-native architectural approach and its model can facilitate your desired operational model.

4. Cloud Deployment

Cloud software is becoming more and more present in different industries, so it comes as no surprise that PLM is embracing it as well. Instead of hosting all your data on a hard drive, the cloud will allow you to keep them safe at the third-party server. The most important and most convenient thing about the cloud is that you can access it from any location and any device connected to the Internet. Besides this, cloud solutions will also provide various security tactics, such as two-step authentication or encryption. Therefore, you can rest assured that your valuable information is going to be safe and protected. The leading software manufacturers believe that having a cloud is very important and that a great PLM does not exist without it.
We can think about cloud platforms as our digital storage centers. So, in case anything happens to your hard drive at work, you will be able to protect data and access it through the Internet. You can also limit the number of people who will have access to the cloud and make sure that certain information is disposable only for those you trust. There are different cloud PLM software available for use, and our team of experts will help you choose the best one. We will select the one you will benefit the most from, based on your industry and company’s requirements.

The Future is Now!

Nowadays, all these terms have become an indispensable part of every discussion about innovation and the future of PLM, and the technological revolution that we are facing. Surely, it is important to have an expert by your side who will help you take the leading position in your industry. With the knowledge and creativity of our team, we can help you do that. All these trends are the next big things for PLM. But, implementing them is a hard-work and requires a lot of knowledge. So, don’t forget to turn to professionals that will help you move your business forward and transform the way you work. You always want to be relevant, and we can for sure help you with that!

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