How To Choose PLM Solution for Your Company

How To Choose PLM Solution for Your Company

We are living in an age where innovations must be incorporated into the business strategies and all its processes and aspects regularly to make their way to success stable and uninterrupted. When it comes to the manufacturing industry, PLM software solutions have a great impact on the overall product development process – from inception, design, and manufacturing, to supply chain management and sales.

Still, one of the most powerful PLM software’s assets is the ability to bring the whole team working on a project together making their communication and collaboration as simple, efficient, and consistent as possible.

With this in mind, it is not difficult to assume why most of the serious manufacturing companies would include PLM software solutions in their IT infrastructure, and if you are considering the same thing, you’ll be glad to learn that we are here to present you with the list of the best PLM solutions currently and provide useful tips on how to select the adequate PLM software. After all, it is crucial to implement the given software that could answer your business’ demands and empower its processes, so feel free to contact our PLM specialists and get the first-hand information you require. In the meantime, let us tell you more about which PLM software could potentially suit you and why.

Identifying How PLM Solution Can Help You Achieve the Goals

If you are considering including a PLM solution in your business, there is a great chance you’ve already heard great comments about it. Still, you must be familiar with the current state of your company and its weak and strong points to know exactly how PLM software implementation can improve your business. Take a close look at the things you wish to streamline, modify or eliminate when it comes to the product development processes, and make sure that the PLM software of your interest can support the changes you wish to include.

Considering the Budget and ROI

Even though one of the main goals of PLM software implementation is the overall cost reduction, determining the budget for its deployment upfront is crucial. Multiple factors must be taken into account to calculate the cost of a PLM software implementation, from the features you wish to include to the given number of users in the company and more, so make sure to select a trustworthy vendor who will present you with a transparent financial plan.

Considering that PLM solution will improve the collaboration between the parties working on a project, enhance their productivity and efficiency, and most importantly, track the manual errors faster and provide solutions for their elimination, you can rest assured that it will deliver a return on the initial investment eventually.

Choosing the PLM Solution Provider

If the internal structure of your company’s team has a certain level of expertise when it comes to IT, you should be aware that giving an individual responsibility for PLM software implementation, configuration and maintenance is undoubtedly a full-time job.

What you can do is find a reliable third-party PLM consultant who will comprehend your business structure and its operations in detail and present you with the best possible solution based on the findings. The first step toward a successful and smooth PLM software implementation is working closely with the end-users and respecting their inputs and concerns. If necessary, the experienced PLM consultant will provide adequate training and courses on the spot or online so that everyone working with the newly established software can perform their tasks without much difficulty.

Windchill PLM Software

Thanks to its open architecture and seamless integration with other enterprise systems, Windchill PLM has been used globally by millions of small and medium-sized manufacturing companies.

Anything from secure data sharing and access to overall product development process enhancement is easily done with this multi-tier PLM software solution that supports three main management aspects in the manufacturing company – client, application, and database.

The software’s strongest points are with multi-CAD data management and BOM which are significantly simplified by having a single underlying tool, while the data sharing, access, and modification are adequately supported by well-developed project management & collaboration components. This leads to a stable standardized process establishment where the costs are reduced and the product’s placement on the market sped up and predictable.

Still, there is so much more to talk about the Windchill PLM software, so it is best to contact our PLM specialists and get all your questions answered on the spot.


3DEXPERIENCE is available on cloud and on-premise and provides its users with a full suite of tools for each step of the product’s lifecycle development. It is well-known for having amazing 3D simulation solutions and its ease of usage, this software is widely used by both small-sized companies and enterprises. Its platform service package offers Saas, PaaS, IaaS, maintenance, and automatic upgrades, yet it is utterly important to contact experienced PLM software experts for seamless software implementation and configuration.

If we compare Windchill and Dassaults’ 3DEXPERIENCE, we can note that they come with a similar number of features where 3DEXPERIENCE is slightly in the lead when it comes to application technology. Still, Windchill offers more support, while the 3DEXPERIENCE excels it in the matter of MPM (manufacturing process management). On the other hand, Windchill is easily integrated with numerous enterprises while the 3DEXPERIENCE is limited to approximately four.

When compared to the training possibilities, Windchill comes with more options as it offers both training in person and online alongside plenty of webinars.


It is essential to choose the right PLM software to support your business requirements the best as customization is often more complex than another PLM software implementation. To avoid unnecessary costs and ensure the smooth business development and manufacturing process that you strive for, it is always a good idea to ask for a professional opinion. After all, the PLM implementation is an important step that will increase everyone’s productivity, empower the collaborative development process, and finally improve the quality of a given product that your company will proudly launch on the market, so the least you can do is take your time to consider the best option and rest assured that you chose wisely.

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